Friday, November 11, 2011

I'm going to have to be hard on President Bush. Are you ashamed to have voted for this man?

You have to have an unshakable faith in a man whom is already being debated as the worst U.S. president ever. He doesn't come off as too smart, but then again -- he is 'a man of the people' and represents fairly well the people who support him.

-- You have to suppress all logic and reason to think this illegal war was justified and worth the cost, that it won't end badly like Vietnam. There are going to be a lot of angry and hurt people when we skedaddle.

-- You have to listen to people like Rush or Falwell, or many other of the lesser minions on talk radio/Fox news. Take in the lies (or at best gross distortions) then post them on message boards as fact (DUHHHHH....JFK started Vietnam.....DUUHHHHH). Displaying your ignorance of history proudly is always difficult under the best of circumstances.

-- You have to not think too hard about the constitutional framework that founded this nation. Separation of church and state? Suspension of Habeas Corpus? Illegal search and seizure? Government surveillance of citizens? Please Mr. dictator president -- keep me safe by taking away my rights! These are difficult concepts, but fortunately for Bush, his (non-richpig elite) supporters aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed.

-- Education has to be done under the good graces of the Church. particularly in the Science classroom, in preparation for when they can use that knowledge as the scientists of tomorrow. Raytheon and DuPont are looking to hire more creationists to work on their new missile system -- the 'Armageddon 2020'.

It isn't easy, but without you Cons these robber barons wouldn't be able to steal your grandkids money that hasn't even been made yet. When the coming energy crisis and ensuing hyperinflation whaps you upside the head, it will be a bitter pill to swallow to realize then, when you're standing in line for eight hours for your bag of soylent green, that the future could've been very different. The problems being ignored -- or in many cases being made worse by greed and incompetence --- these could've been addressed.

We wasted eight years with Bush. Those eight years were precious indeed. Maybe too late now to right the ship and get on with the energy issue. The greed heads want to keep milking the oil for profits. Wage war for it, and 'go slow' in seeking the alternatives/getting us off the dependency.

But then again, that is part of the dictionary definition of 'conservative' -- i.e. resistant to change. But we have to change our oil habit, or the consequences are very ugly.

Simply put -- the Cons are the WRONG party for what we need to do.|||You are mistaken on every level. Bush is 'being debated as the worst president"? By whom? Some typical crybaby liberals with no answers except, "Bush is bad".

Your liberal hero's also said their were WMD, we found the ones that wern't moved to syria. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Saddam was playing musical weapons with the inspectors. Are you that naive?

I don't particularly listen to Rush, but when I do, he has documented every statement he has ever made. Much like Sean Hanity. Tell me specifically what they said that was incorrect. I doubt you can do it.

You want to talk about the foundation of this country? Do you think it was founded on socialism? It was not, so why do you vote democrat? They are the new socialist party. Everything they stand for is a socialist program. Name one thing that is not.

The grandkids money statement makes no sense. Your answer is obviously tax high, and give to people who don't work? Please elaborate what you mean.

Your a typical liberal spewing the nonsense of the likes of michael moore and bill mahar. You have nothing to say but baseless namecalling. I have yet to see a liberal who can back up his b.s. with facts.

Simply put, we are not a socialist country. We will not allow you liberal democrats a chance to change that fact. Get off your lazy liberal butt, and go to work. If you work hard, you will be rewarded. If you do not, work hard, then I guess you can go protest along with all the other lazy liberal scum.


Ben, stop your crying. The election was won by BUSH AGAIN.

The electorial college is how we vote in this country, and there is a reason for it. We can not have a small area that is heavily populated make rules that hurt the rest of the nation. It's how things are done. Stop crying about the lost election. Better yet, slap yourself in the face and say to yourself, "I don't want to be a socialist".|||Nicholascage you hit it right on the head. I agree with you!

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|||Nope! I'm not ashamed at all. I didn't vote for him. :)|||I didn't vote for the idiot. Don't blame me.|||yoiu call that hard .ha ha|||I did not vote for him thank goodness|||I agree with basically everything you said... a little different here and there... but overall... I agree...

I think we can recover from this... and we will

nicolasraage... you calling someone else ignorant is hilarious... hanity and Rush are "your kind of people" and you don't have the common sense to see through them... hahaha... everything Michael Moore says is based in fact, and he cites it A LOT BETTER THAN RUSH AND HANITY DO, but you would have to be as retarded as you are to not see the liberal spin he puts on it... it's all spinned facts... you can't see through your Conservative spin and you wouldn't know the truth if it walked up to you...

The democrats aren't socialists just as the Republicans aren't facists... are you just trying to make everyone else believe you or are you stupid enough to believe it yourself?|||Most folks who voted did not vote for him.

He is the result of an activist court and a weak democracy.

How about doing away with the electoral college and have each prez elected by the people. No more blue states, no more red states.

They would have to campaign in every state. Each vote would count.|||dude if you really think that then you need to seek help from a mental healthcare professional. i think that president bush i great. he is my favorite guy. if you think that then that is your problem. he won did'nt he?|||Hmm, it's not a good idea to blame everyone's actions on one person. I don't think he has the power to control everyone who is involved with big oil - our family went up against lawyers and bankers for years - who were after land that also had the possibility of oil being discovered - and we only came out with a house and a big mortgage. I would vote for Bush again and this is why - he still prays about his decisions. Also, I think there is more there than meets the eye about the war in Iraq, and yes, I do know people who have had loved ones killed or traumatized there. Something about the former government was terribly stifling spiritually and economically to the families and young people who will be future leaders, and stress always precedes a great change. However, I assume the country is going to try hard to elect a Democrat as president next time, and I always concede to the will of the majority. Have a happy day.|||Nope. I didnt vote for the idiot. He's a puppet in reality. He just follows what people say or tell him to do/say.|||He is a human being just like everyone else, just trying to do the best he knows how. I don't agree with everything he does (especially not being more aggressive on immigration issue) but I don't think he is the worst president.|||i didn't vote for bush, and certainly don't agree with his policies. however, i heard pretty much the same rhetoric 20 years ago about reagan.|||I didn't vote for him. I'm not stupid.|||I didn't vote for him. But, guess what? He's in office anyway. Boy, did he ever fool us! LOLOL

The silver lining to BushCo is they're showcasing the negative effect that failing to participate at the voter level can have on your country...we could be independent in our economy, on energy, all kinds of stuff, but they'd rather globalize. The result is what amounts to a hostile corporate takeover of the US, and it leaves a lot of americans with nowhere to run on a lot of issues...

we're being inundated by people from all over the world,

we're being set up for failure on tax day by mega-debt,

and these guys just keep on a-truckin' without so much as a glance in the rearview mirror.

The american voter's been taken for a ride by the Big Money Boyz, and it'll keep happening until and unless we get better at voting...|||I don't follow politics, nor do I vote, so I'm not ashamed of anything.|||In Miss America-you get 50 to choose from. Here for President I usually get Two to choose from. Is that a pick? My choice is Darn if you do and Darn if you don't.

Thanks for reminding me.|||Jesus Christ! Since you already have it all figured out, then what the hell are you doing on Yahoo Answers? Damn, why don't you run for president next time instead of working on your manifesto here, you bitter liberal?|||My parents voted for him and have never even thought about regretting it. Bush was a good choice. Just be glad Kerry didnt win!!!|||i dont vote shur its like voteing for the guy who won but to be honist things ar no wher near as good as thay could be not just hear in america but the hole world we wast our thim with with small things and wher clouded buy flash and personal aganda.ther are better ways.but we dont make the change whats so impotent that we cant do better.

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