Saturday, November 19, 2011

Homework help on the legal system of the United States. Is the legal system effective and impartial?

That is just part one of the question. I had to choose a country and a company, and the country of my choice is the United States. It asks me if the government is heavily involved in the economy , and is the legal system effective and impartial. I haven't been able to find out a whole lot of detail on the United States systems and if anyone can help me find out more, please let me know! I also need help on another question about whether or not the legal conditions and political conditions suggest that it should be further considered a potential market. The company I chose is DuPont who makes everything with science, and the product I focused on is Kevlar. If anyone can help me or just tell me where I can find more info on the economy and others on the U.S., I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you in advance!|||Your question is somewhat vague, but I'll try to give you all the help I can.

(1) The United States has little governmental involvement in the economy when you compare it with other countries in Europe and Asia. While governmental bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Federal Trade Commission have substantial regulatory powers over the activities of businesses in order to protect consumers but apart from that the government is supposed to stay separate from the activities of business.

(2) The U.S. legal system is commonly considered to be effective and impartial. The Constitution grants all criminal defendants the right to counsel and in order to secure a conviction they must be tried before a jury of their peers. |||Search for "Kevlar" and "Dupont" on Yahoo and look at results from Wikipedia. Here is a good article about government involvement in the economy:鈥?/a>

Also, search "us legal system effective impartial".

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