Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Does this quote pretty much prove again BushCo is the number one American sellout?

On H1B's the #1 visa that sells out American tech jobs to India for 1/3 the price so they can work here or in India for a few years and retire in India with the exchange rate well outside their mudhuts in "bungalows".

"As an aside, when I talked about the immigration bill last night, I also want you to know I understand that we need to make sure that when a smart person from overseas wants to come and work in DuPont, it's in our interests to allow him or her to do so. We've got to expand what's called H1B visas. I know the Senator and the Congressman understand that. I'm looking forward with Congress to do just that. It makes no sense, by the way -- I know, I'm getting off topic here -- (laughter) -- but I feel strongly about what I'm telling you. It makes no sense to say to a young scientist from India, you can't come to America to help this company develop technologies that help us deal with our problems. So we've got to change that, as well, change that mind set in Washington, D.C. I know we can work together on that. "

|||If they come here, they should be paid a competitive wage. If they're brought in to break a union, that would be a big no no. If they immigrate here, at least they are paying income and sale taxes here, even if they are sending the money home. When the job is shipped overseas, they don't even pay income and sales taxes here, even if the company is saving money by paying a competitive wage in that country. |||same question gets the same answer...the union leader voted to outsource the jobs. jobs have been leaving this country since i was a child in the 70s, only more so are doing it now not because of bush but because too many of us, the american people want really high wages for very little work. Luckily there are still some of us with a work ethic and we are the ones who are gonna have to pull this country back together to support the ones sitting on thier a$$es drawing welfare.|||NO....good try though.

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