Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Would you read this? Why or why not?

Adele Donnelly- The sweet, motherly one

Emer Donnelly- The blunt, violent one

Amelie Dupont- The cold, beautiful one

Pepper “Red” Jones- The boyish, energetic one

Esmerelda Vega- The dishonest, seductive one

Nicola Moretti- The dark, secretive one

After the world fought itself in a giant, all-encompassing war, only a few survive. Those who do don't do it honestly, or not in the modern-day sense of the word. Six girls- all very different, yet very much the same- have banded together as a means of survival. They steal what they need, and are willing to kill for each other- and in the streets on New York, that might happen more than normal. Then, one day, a new group comes to town. They force their way into the girl's life, and threaten to change everything But they all must learn to work together when a new threat arises- larger and more powerful than anything any of them have seen before.|||It sounds quite interesting! Your last line where you introduced a new and dangerous problem was what reeled me in, your vagueness was good :)

It just sounds really really violent and as long as there is not too much blood and gore, i would definitely give it a try!

And if there was a hint of romance as well, thats a definite plus!

Kudos to you for thinking of such an interesting idea!|||yeah, i'd read it. dystopians usually aren't my cup of tea, but i've read a few good ones recently, i'd give this a try. also, your hatred of mary-sues is quite assuring. good luck.|||OOOO, haha! This sounds like me and my friends in school! :P I'm Pepper "Red" Jones! I even have red hair! I wopuld totally read it, boo-yah chica!!!|||Check out this page for character creation. Make sure to view the link for the Mary Sue Litmus test. http://sites.google.com/site/allusionsan…|||YES YES YES YES YES YES THIS IS AMAZING, YOU ASK QUESTIONS AND ARE DRAGED INTO THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

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